David Kidwell, NOAA, presents “Algae, Birds, and Ocean Adventures: Uncovering of Harmful Blooms from Maine to Alaska”
Dave will discuss his work to understand harmful algae in Maine and the Bering Strait and Kodiak Island regions of Alaska. Across the country, blooms of harmful pose a risk to human health and communities, disrupt ecosystems, and impact wildlife and birds. Dave will give an introduction to harmful algae and discuss some of their impacts to birds. He’ll also share some of his experiences viewing birds and wildlife while working from a research ship. From shearwaters and jaegers in the Gulf Maine to auklets and whales in Alaska, working and birding offshore is always full of surprises!
A lifelong Marylander, Dave has lived in Damascus since 2012 and has been an avid birder for over 20 years. He currently works as a supervisory environmental scientist for NOAA, where he oversees research on harmful algae, sea level rise, water quality, and other ecosystem science.