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C&O Count


Volunteers for the Annual C&O Canal Bird Count sign up to cover a mile or miles along the canal in Allegany and western Washington County. Contact Melissa at if […]

Big Pool/Fort Frederick

Fort Frederick State Park 11100 Fort Frederick Road, Big Pool

Host: Frederick Bird Club Leader Jeff Smith at 240-291-1892 or Description: Wintering birds. Contact leader for meeting time and location.

Adkins Arboretum, Tuckahoe State Park

Adkins Arboretum 12610 Eveland Rd, Ridgely

Host: Talbot Bird Club Leader Kate Ziegler (440-292-5525 or Description: Waterfowl and forest birds. Depart from Acme Parking Lot at 6:30 am OR meet at parking area by Lake […]

Soup Trip!! Return to the World Famous Bradenbaugh Flats

Bradenbaugh Flats 4351 Harford Creamery Road, White Hall

Host: Harford Bird Club Contact Dennis Kirkwood (443-299-2272 or for questions. Description: Join Dennis Kirkwood at the World Famous Bradenbaugh Flats and scoping for birds. Lapland Longspur, Horned Lark, […]

Druid Hill Park

Druid Hill Park 900 Druid Park Lake Drive, Baltimore

Host: Baltimore Bird Club Leader: Toby Pessoa Gingerich, Description: Easy walk through the southern half of the park, with an emphasis on waterfowl on the lake. Also expect winter […]

Oaks Landfill

Oaks Landfill 20600 Zion Rd, Laytonsville

Host: Montgomery Bird Club Leader Mark England at Description: Bundle up for LATE AFTERNOON (3:30 to 6:00 p.m.) search for wintering sparrows and raptors, including possible Northern Harriers and Short-eared […]