Ocean City Weekend
Ocean City Ocean CityHost: Baltimore Bird Club Leader: John Landers, 410-292-9549. Description: We will meet at Ocean City inlet 8:00 Saturday 2/22. After that drive to Hoopers restaurant parking lot, west OC pond […]
Host: Baltimore Bird Club Leader: John Landers, 410-292-9549. Description: We will meet at Ocean City inlet 8:00 Saturday 2/22. After that drive to Hoopers restaurant parking lot, west OC pond […]
Host: Baltimore Bird Club Description: Join Audubon and the Baltimore Bird Club to explore this urban oasis in southeast Baltimore. With more than 200 species on record, the park is […]
Hos: Anne Arundel Bird Club Contact: Jonas Lai, jonaselai@gmail.com, 203-915-6829.
Host: Caroline Bird Club Description: Meet at Walgreen’s parking lot in Denton at 8 am to carpool, or meet at 9:30 am at the Refuge headquarters.
Host: Allegany/Garrett Bird Club Questions: email westernmdbirdclub@gmail.com. Description: Bird walk on the C&O Canal from Oldtown west approximately 2 miles then return to look for the active Bald Eagle nest and other overwintering birds. Meet at the C&O Parking lot at Oldtown MD.
Host: Baltimore Bird Club Leader: Tim Carney, timmyc83@gmail.com. Description: Join us for a chance to see woodcocks performing their flight displays as they enter breeding season. Though generally secretive and […]