Picnic: Frederick Bird Club
Pinecliff Park 8350 Pinecliff Park Rd, Frederick, Maryland, United StatesAnnual Picnic and Bird Walk. Time TBA.
Annual Picnic and Bird Walk. Time TBA.
Host: Patuxent Bird Club & PGAS. Description: Two-mile walk around lake on paved path; wheelchair-accessible. Families welcome. Meet at parking area at corner of Berwyn Rd. and Ballew Ave. in […]
Host: Frederick Bird Club. Contact Lois Kauffman, 301-845-6690 or md.pa.birding@gmail.com for details. Description: Breeding warblers and other exciting birds
Host: Allegany/Garrett Bird Club Contact Bill Blauvelt at bil.blauvelt@gmail.com. Description: Mud boods are recommended. Meet at the access road that starts at the Friendsville Park. Turn into the park then […]
Host: Patuxent Bird Club & PGAS. Leader Bill Sefton (kiwisuits@msn.com). Description: Two-mile out-and-back walk at natural area on the Patuxent River; fields, wet woods, brushy areas. Trail is gravel and […]
Host: Harford Bird Club Description: We will sponsor a trip to Heartwood Nursery in Felton, PA (in the Stewarts Town area). The Heartwood specializes in native shrubs and trees. They […]
Host: Baltimore Bird Club Leader: Libby Errickson, elizabeth.errickson@gmail.com. Description: Join us for pop-up walks during the month of June at Oregon Ridge Park. Oregon Ridge Park has one of the […]
MOS Board Meeting
Host: Talbot Bird Club Contact George Radcliffe, 410-228-7670, radclifg@gmail.com. Description: Atlasing.
Host: Baltimore Bird Club. Leader: Mary Chetelat, 410- 665-0769 (alternate contact Wendy Alexander, 443- 204-3754). Description: Continuing survey of bird activity at the Fort. Binoculars required. Telescope can be useful […]
Host: Harford Bird Club Check with Harford County directors for the Atlas Project. They are Dennis Kirkwood (410-692-5905/newarkfarms@gmail.com) and Matt Hafner (410-971-3203/hafner.Matt@gmail.com.) Description: Help our volunteer scientists determine breeding bird […]
Host: Tri-county Bird Club. For more information, contact Ellen Lawler at 410-982-8695 or emlawler534@comcast.net. Description: Barbara and Earl have created a wildlife sanctuary on their property which borders Dividing Creek […]
Host: Montgomery Bird Club For reservations (required), time, and directions, email leader Cheryl Hogue at cheryl.hogue@gmail.com. Description: On a morning walk, we’ll look for Cliff Swallows building mud nests beneath […]
Host: Baltimore Bird Club. Leader: Paul Kreiss, 410-367-8194 or paul1kreiss@verizon.net. Description: Habitat Walk: Leakin Park Pollinator Meadow. In December 2020, BGE planted 3 acres of meadow in Leakin Park along a […]
Host: Baltimore Bird Club. Leader: Lani Hyde, 410-812-2425 Description: Join Lani on a walk on private property in Monkton. We should see eastern meadowlarks, grasshopper sparrows, bobolinks possible, chimney swifts, […]
Host: Patuxent Bird Club & PGAS Sue and Alan Young will lead Description: Explore Patuxent Research Refuge North Tract for breeding birds such as Prairie Warblers, Northern Parula, Summer Tanager, […]
Host: Baltimore Bird Club. Leaders: Brent and Mary Byers, baypuffin@hotmail.com or 410-686-7294. Description: Easy half-day walk through varied habitats for feeder birds and other songbirds, raptors, and waterfowl. Half-mile trail leads to […]
Host: Baltimore Bird Club. Description: While only authorized board members have a vote, any club member is welcome to attend and participate in discussions. Call any club officer or board […]
Host: Patuxent Bird Club & PGAS. Description: Annual Members Night. Members are invited to share their best bird and birding photos from the past 12 months. Members who wish to […]
Host: Baltimore Bird Club. Patterson Park Audubon Center- www.patterson.audubon.org. Description: Join Audubon to explore this urban oasis in southeast Baltimore. With more than 200 species on record, the park is full […]