Bi-Annual Gibson Island Survey

Gibson Island MD, United States

Host: Anne Arundel Bird Club Contact:, 410-901-7555.

Bombay Hook NWR

Bombay Hook NWR 2591 Whitehall Neck Road, Smyrna, DE, United States

Host: Frederick Bird Club Leader Lois Kauffman, 301-845-6690 or Description: Waterfowl & wintering shorebirds. Contact leader for meeting time and location.

Patterson Park

Patterson Park 27 South Patterson Park Avenue, Baltimore, MD, United States

Host: Baltimore Bird Club Description: Join Baltimore Bird Club and Audubon to explore this urban oasis in southeast Baltimore. With more than 200 species on record, the park is full […]

Swan Harbor Bird Walk

Swan Harbor Farm Park 401 Oakington Road, Havre de Grace, MD, United States

Host: Harford Bird Club Call Dennis for details (443-299-2272 or Description: Check out this County hot spot with Dr. Dennis Kirkwood with hopes of finding rare sparrows, waterfowl and […]

Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center

Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center 600 Discovery Lane, Grasonville, MD, United States

Host: Baltimore Bird Club Leader Stacy Hartman, Description: We will look for ducks, geese, swans, sparrows, Bald Eagles, and Brown-headed Nuthatches. Paths are unpaved and level. Trip canceled in […]

Soldiers Delight NEA

Soldiers Delight Overlook 5344 Deer Park Road, Owings Mills, MD

Host: Carroll County Bird Club For more details or to RSVP contact Scott Hodgdon Description: Come and enjoy a pleasant walk while bird watching in Soldiers Delight. It is […]

Frederick Douglass on the Tuckahoe Park

Frederick Douglass Park 13213 Lewistown Road, Queen Anne, MD, United States

Host: Talbot Bird Club Leader Ron Ketter (707-373-5532 or Description: Sparrows and field birds. Depart from Easton Acme at 7 am or meet at Frederick Douglass Park at 7:30 […]

Oregon Ridge and Ag Center

Oregon Ridge Nature Center 13555 Beaver Dam Rd, Cockeysville, MD, United States

Host: Baltimore Bird Club Leader Simon Best, Description: Oregon Ridge is a good spot for thrushes, woodpeckers, and other passerines. The Center for Maryland Agriculture, just across Shawan Road, […]

Howard Conservancy Sky Watch

Mt. Pleasant Farm 10520 Old Frederick Rd, Woodstock, MD, United States

Host: Howard County Bird Club Description: This trip will be a skywatch for migrating raptors and other potential flybys.

Meeting: Tri-County Bird Club

Junior Achievement 301 Tilghman Road, Salisbury, MD, United States

“Maryland Biodiversity Project” presented Jim Brighton. Jim, a life-long resident of the Eastern Shore, is co-founder of the MBP, , a non-profit organization whose goal is to promote and encourage education and conservation of Maryland’s natural resources by cataloging all the plants and animals in the state. Jim was named the 2017 Chesapeake Champion […]

Cromwell Valley Park

Cromwell Valley Park 2175 Cromwell Bridge Road, Parkville, MD

Host: Baltimore Bird Club Leader Peter Lev, Description: Last of a series of weekly Tuesday morning walks to follow the progress of fall migration. This park has a variety […]

Bird Walk at Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center

Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center 600 Discovery Lane, Grasonville, MD, United States

Host: Anne Arundel Bird Club Contact: Adele Clagett,, 410-212-2652.

Audrey Carroll Audubon Sanctuary

Audrey Carroll Audubon Sanctuary 13030 Old Annapolis Road, Mt. Airy, MD

Host: Frederick Bird Club Leader Riley Metcalfe, 347-443-7210 or Description: Lingering migrants, sparrows. Contact leader for meeting time and location.

Irish Grove Work Weekend

Irish Grove Sanctuary Brinkleys, MD, United States

Host: Sanctuary Committee Contact Jeremy Castle: for any questions or to sign up. Description: Please join your fellow birders as the rich tradition of Irish Grove volunteer work weekends […]

Oxford Conservation Park

Oxford Conservation Park 4890 Boone Creek Road, Oxford, MD, United States

Host: Talbot Bird Club Leaders Susie Pratt (410-924-4925 or and Peggy Ford (410-725-1101 or Description: Waterfowl, meadowlarks and sparrows. Breakfast to follow hosted by Janet Mackey and Ron […]

Patuxent Wildlife Research Center South Tract

Patuxent Research Refuge – Visitor Center – South Tract 10901 Scarlet Tanager Loop, Laurel, MD, United States

Host: Patuxent Bird Club/PGAS Leader: Bill Sefton. Description: Meet at the parking area near the visitor center. These walks will return to FUNA when access to the horse pen area […]

Southwest Area Park

Southwest Area Park 3939 Klunk Drive, Brooklyn, MD, United States

Host: Baltimore Bird Club Leader Wendy Crow, Description: In this transitional season, expect to see water birds, sparrows, kinglets, and maybe a surprise or two. Meet at the Boat […]

Bird Walk at Lynch Preserve, Two Johns

Lynch Preserve Robins Creek Rd, Preston, MD, United States

Host: Caroline Bird Club Leader Robin Lahnemann & friends. Description: Meet at the end of Robins Creek Road, Preston. Map at

Chincoteague NWR Trip

Chincoteague NWR 8231 Beach Rd, Chincoteague Island, VA, United States

Host: YMOS Contact George Radcliffe,, 410-463-1669 Description: Refuge Exploration – Waterfowl, Wading Birds, Winter Arrivals.

Howard Conservancy Sky Watch

Mt. Pleasant Farm 10520 Old Frederick Rd, Woodstock, MD, United States

Host: Howard County Bird Club Russ Ruffing, Description: This trip will be strictly a sky watch for late-migrating raptors and other potential goodies. Our main target will be Golden […]