Sweet Air Area of Gunpowder SP

Gunpowder Falls State Park Sweet Air area 2791 Dalton Bevard Rd, Baldwin, MD, United States

Host: Harford Bird Club Contact information (410-692-5978; marksjohnson2@gmail.com). Description: Join experienced birder, Dr. Mark Johnson, as he strolls through the rolling hills of the Sweet Air area of the Gunpowder State Park in search of migrants and breeding birds. Baltimore Orioles, Indigo Buntings, Scarlet Tanagers and various warbler species are the target birds. Meet at […]

Monthly walk at Governor Bridge Natural Area

Governor Bridge Natural Area 7600 block of Governor Bridge Road, Bowie, MD, United States

Host: Patuxent Bird Club & PGAS. Leader Bill Sefton (kiwisuits@msn.com). Description: Two-mile loop at natural area on the Patuxent River; fields, wet woods, brushy areas, wetlands, ponds. Natural surface trails may be wet; waterproof footwear advised. Leaders may require mask for unvaccinated people. Reservations not needed. Meet at 7:30 AM at the Natural Area parking […]

Druid Hill Park

Druid Hill Park 900 Druid Park Lake Drive, Baltimore, MD, United States

Host: Baltimore Bird Club. Patterson Park Audubon Center. Description: Join Audubon and the Maryland Zoo to explore this leafy city park. From forest to lake, a variety of bird species await. For information, contact Patterson Park Audubon Center. Participants must adhere to our COVID code of conduct and register in advance at our website, patterson.audubon.org.

Hashawha Environmental Center

Hashawha Environmental Center 300 John Owings Rd, Westminster, MD, United States

Host: Carroll County Bird Club. For more details or to RSVP, contact Scott Hodgdon at 443-280-2480 or scotthodgdon@msn.com. Description: Come and enjoy a pleasant walk in the woods and along the stream. It is one of the hotspots for birding in the county. We will be looking for vireos, Blue-gray Gnatcatchers and flycatchers. Please meet […]

Red Knots and Horseshoe Crabs on the Delaware Bay

Port Mahon Fishing Pier Port Mahon Rd, Dover, DE, United States

Host: Baltimore Bird Club. Leader: Mike Hudson, mike.p.hudson@gmail.com. Description: One of the great spectacles of nature in our region is the northward passage of Red Knots, Ruddy Turnstones, and other long-distance shorebird migrants. We will explore the central Delaware Bay coast, looking for migrant shorebirds and the horseshoe crabs whose eggs they rely on to […]

North Tarra Road

MD MD, United States

Host: Talbot Bird Club Description: Owls, chuck-wills-widows, whip-poor-wills. Carpool from Easton, Acme parking lot.

Delaware Bay Shorebirds & Horseshoe Crabs field trip

DE DE, United States

Host: Kent County Bird Club Contact: Walter Ellison & Nancy Martin, 410-778-9568, birdclub.kentcountymd@gmail.com Description: The annual May gathering of northbound shorebirds including large numbers of Red Knots and Ruddy Turnstones in bright breeding dress, feeding on Horseshoe Crab eggs along the shores of Delaware Bay is a migration spectacle. We will visit the Bay shore […]