Calendar of Events
Calendar of Events
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5 events,
Start Your Year List
Start Your Year List
Host: Howard County Bird Club Leader Kurt Schwarz, Description: Easy walking on woodland trails. May plan to bird several different locations to find as many species as possible. The […]
Annual New Year’s Birdwatching Trip
Annual New Year’s Birdwatching Trip
Host: Harford Bird Club Contact Dennis Kirkwood (443-299-2272 or for questions. Description: Break in the New Year right by getting out and joining Dr. Dennis Kirkwood at the World […]
New Year’s Day Loch Raven – Old Picnic Area
New Year’s Day Loch Raven – Old Picnic Area
Host: Baltimore Bird Club Leader: Joe Corcoran,, 667-231-6453. Description: Start off the New Year birding at Old Picnic Area Trail section of Loch Raven Reservoir. The trail is unpaved […]
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Meeting: Frederick Bird Club
Meeting: Frederick Bird Club
Evan Hull, Science Teacher at Windsor Knolls Middle School will tell us about the Hog Island Audubon Camp.
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Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge
Host: Howard County Bird Club Leader Kurt Schwarz, Description: Plan to stop at Wawa in Easton for a rest stop. Bring lunch and drinks. Dress warmly, Entrance fee, Federal Senior Pass, Military I.D., or Duck Stamp required. Email the leader to reserve a spot and get details. Strict limit of 15 participants. Facilities at […]
Annual Coastal Birding Trip
Annual Coastal Birding Trip
Host: Tri-County Bird Club For more information contact trip leader, Mike Walsh at 410-422-0428 or Description: Coastal birding trip from Ocean City, MD to Cape Henlopen, DE for winter […]
Hanlon Park
Hanlon Park
Host: Baltimore Bird Club Leader: Toby Pessoa Gingerich, Description: One of the best semi-secret spots for winter waterfowl. Expect lots of redheads and a mix of other ducks, possibly […]
4 events,
CBC: Annapolis and Gibson Island
Compilers: Hal Wierenga, Lynn Davidson & Sue Ricciardi,
CBC: Loch Raven
Compiler: Libby Errickson, Birders of all levels of expertise or experience are welcome and urged to participate in this annual post-migration bird census in northern Baltimore County. The area being surveyed is in a 15-mile diameter circle touching Lake Roland on the south, Hereford on the north, and centered on Cockeysville. This is a […]
Family-Friendly Birdwatching Trip at Swan Harbor
Family-Friendly Birdwatching Trip at Swan Harbor
Host: Harford Bird Club Contact Jean Palanuwech for details at or call/text at 908-507-1875. Description; Join the sibling duo, Tyme and Nara Anusonti-Inthra at Swan Harbor Farm. This is […]
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Duck Survey: Perryville Community Park
Duck Survey: Perryville Community Park
Host: Cecil Bird Club Leader Maryanne Dolan (MARYANNE.DOLAN@GMAIL.COM). Description: One of Cecil County’s prime locations. A half-day of seeking out migrants and early waterfowl at Perryville Community Park, and along […]
Meeting: YMOS
Meeting: YMOS
Host: YMOS Contact George Radcliffe,, 410-463-1669. Description: Speaker TBA.
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Blackwater NWR
Blackwater NWR
Host: Montgomery Bird Club LEADER: Mark England at Description; Full day (to dusk). Early waterfowl and lingering migrants plus late afternoon marsh watch. Brown-headed Nuthatch possible. Bring lunch and drinks. […]
Fort McHenry
Fort McHenry
Host: Baltimore Bird Club Leader: Mary Chetelat, 443-564-6551. Description: Continuing survey of bird activity at the Fort. Binoculars required. A telescope can be useful for distance viewing. Canceled in bad […]
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Meeting: Howard County Bird Club
Meeting: Howard County Bird Club
Kevin Heffernan on “The 2024 Howard County Butterfly Survey Results”
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3 events,
Winter Bird Hunt
Winter Bird Hunt
Host: YMOS Contact George Radcliffe,, 410-463-1669. Description: Cambridge and South Dorchester Bird Hunt ending with Short-eared Owl Search.
Bird Walk at North Beach CANCELED
Bird Walk at North Beach CANCELED
THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELED Host Anne Arundel Bird Club Contact: Lisa Garrett,, 301-751-4344.
Habitat Tour: Cylburn Arboretum
Habitat Tour: Cylburn Arboretum
Host: Baltimore Bird Club Leader: Dave Votta, Description: A former private estate, Cylburn Arboretum has been a Baltimore City property since 1942, and open to the public as a […]
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Monthly Kinder Walk
Monthly Kinder Walk
Host Anne Arundel Bird Club Contact: Alan Young, 410-991-8300.
Pop-up Trip at Riley’s Lock
Pop-up Trip at Riley’s Lock
Host: Montgomery Bird Club LEADERS: Paul Orsinger at and Katie Moore at Description: We’ll meet at 8 a.m. in the parking lot at Riley’s Lock and see what […]
Birding by Canoe at Days Cove
Birding by Canoe at Days Cove
Host: Baltimore Bird Club Leader: Sam Tillman, Description: Birding Days Cove during the winter will put a whole new spin on the place! While we’ve run a number of […]
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Meeting: Montgomery Bird Club
Meeting: Montgomery Bird Club
Suzanne Shoemaker on “Bird Rehabilitation at the Owl Moon Raptor Center”.
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C&O Canal Noland’s Ferry Landing
Host: Frederick Bird Club Leader Lois Kauffman at 301-845-6690 or Description: Wintering Birds. Contact leader for meeting time and location.
Shrike Hunt!
Shrike Hunt!
Host: Baltimore Bird Club Leader: Tim Carney, Description: Shrikes are very rare in Baltimore County! The last Baltimore records of Northern Shrike were from 2007 and 2020… and before that, the most recent one was from 1923! Loggerhead Shrikes are about as rare, and aside from a one-day wonder in 2014, the next most […]
Druid Hill Park
Druid Hill Park
Host: Baltimore Bird Club Description: Join Audubon, the Baltimore Bird Club, and the Maryland Zoo to explore this leafy city park. From forest to lake, a variety of bird species awaits. For information, contact Audubon at Participants are encouraged to register in advance at
Meeting: Caroline Bird Club
Meeting: Caroline Bird Club
Samantha Pitts, Community Partnerships Coordinator, Pickering Creek Audubon Center. Update on Audubon’s Climate Watch program and on Pickering Creek Audubon Center.
4 events,
Monthly Quiet Waters Walk
Monthly Quiet Waters Walk
Host Anne Arundel Bird Club Contact: Jim Collatz,, 301-254-0188.
Fort Howard County Park CANCELED
Fort Howard County Park CANCELED
THIS TRIP HAS BEEN CANCELED Host: Baltimore Bird Club Leaders Brent and Mary Byers, or 410-686-7294. Description: A Baltimore County park on the shore of the Chesapeake Bay and […]
Family Birding: Winter Birding CANCELED
Family Birding: Winter Birding CANCELED
THIS TRIP HAS BEEN CANCELED Host: Baltimore Bird Club Leader Daisy Sudano, Description: Meet out feathered friends who stick around or come join us for the winter!. Meet at […]
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Perryville Park Ducks
Perryville Park Ducks
Host: Cecil Bird Club Leader Maryanne Dolan (MARYANNE.DOLAN@GMAIL.COM). Description: One of Cecil County’s prime locations. A half-day of seeking out migrants and early waterfowl at Perryville Community Park, and along the Susquehanna River. Dress for cold and wind. Bring scope if you have one. A mix of driving and some walking. Meet at Perryville Community […]
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Water Fowl Survey
Water Fowl Survey
Host Anne Arundel Bird Club Contact Fred Shaffer,, 443-926-6457. Description: Sandy Point and Thomas Point
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7 events,
C&O Count
Volunteers for the Annual C&O Canal Bird Count sign up to cover a mile or miles along the canal in Allegany and western Washington County. Contact Melissa at if interested.
Eastern Neck Wildlife Refuge
Eastern Neck Wildlife Refuge
Host: Harford Bird Club Contact Eric Vangrin ( ; 443-417-7219) Description: Watch waterfowl with long-time birder Eric Vangrin at this accessible waterside park. Meet at 7:30 AM at the Park-N-Ride […]
Patterson Park
Patterson Park
Host: Baltimore Bird Club Description: Join Audubon and the Baltimore Bird Club to explore this urban oasis in southeast Baltimore. With more than 200 species on record, the park is […]
Pop-up Trip at Lois Y. Green Conservation Park
Pop-up Trip at Lois Y. Green Conservation Park
Host: Montgomery Bird Club LEADER: Leo Dilling at Description: Back by popular demand. We will take a winter morning walk through fields and woodland edges. We’ll be looking for sparrows, waterfowl, […]
2 events,
Middle Branch Roundup
Middle Branch Roundup
Host: Baltimore Bird Club Leader Nico Sarbanes, Description: This walk will feature shorter stops at multiple hotspots along the Patapsco River’s Middle Branch, including Cherry Hill Park, Middle Branch […]
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Tri-County Bird Club: Meeting
Tri-County Bird Club: Meeting
“Tri-County Reptiles and Amphibians” presented by Dave Wilson, co-owner of Delmarva Birding Weekends, and former executive director of the Maryland Coastal Bays Program. Dave was the Worcester County Coordinator for […]
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Bird Walk at Huntley Meadows
Bird Walk at Huntley Meadows
Host Anne Arundel Bird Club Contact: Stan Arnold,, 410-428-7567.
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6 events,
Big Pool/Fort Frederick
Host: Frederick Bird Club Leader Jeff Smith at 240-291-1892 or Description: Wintering birds. Contact leader for meeting time and location.
Adkins Arboretum, Tuckahoe State Park
Adkins Arboretum, Tuckahoe State Park
Host: Talbot Bird Club Leader Kate Ziegler (440-292-5525 or Description: Waterfowl and forest birds. Depart from Acme Parking Lot at 6:30 am OR meet at parking area by Lake […]
Soup Trip!! Return to the World Famous Bradenbaugh Flats
Soup Trip!! Return to the World Famous Bradenbaugh Flats
Host: Harford Bird Club Contact Dennis Kirkwood (443-299-2272 or for questions. Description: Join Dennis Kirkwood at the World Famous Bradenbaugh Flats and scoping for birds. Lapland Longspur, Horned Lark, […]
Druid Hill Park
Druid Hill Park
Host: Baltimore Bird Club Leader: Toby Pessoa Gingerich, Description: Easy walk through the southern half of the park, with an emphasis on waterfowl on the lake. Also expect winter […]