At a Glance

Hours: Grounds: open 7 days a week 7 am to dusk.  Closed Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. Visitor Center:  9 am – 4 pm, Monday through Friday; 10 am – 3 pm, Saturday and Sunday. Closed on holidays.

Cost: Daily fee: $6/vehicle; $5/vehicle for those with disabilities; free entry for military service members & families (military ID required); annual and senior citizen lifetime passes available from the County Recreation & Parks Department.

Tips: Tick protection is advisable. ◾ Stop in at the Visitor Center for a park bird checklist. ◾ Try to visit in early morning on weekdays to avoid crowds and athletic events. ◾ Restrooms are located at the Visitor Center, at the Concession Stand in the sports area, and near the Blacksmith Shop in the farm area.

Best Seasons: Spring and fall are best, but there is good habitat in all seasons.

Breeding Bird Atlas Block: Round Bay NW

Local MOS Chapter: Anne Arundel Bird Club

Kinder Farm Park

1001 Kinder Farm Park Road, Millersville, MD 21108
(410) 222-6115

The 288-acre Kinder Farm Park in northern Anne Arundel County is an open space oasis amid an area of residential neighborhoods. Formerly a farm where cattle and crops were raised, this county park has a mix of mature forest, managed warm-season grass meadows, and several ponds and streams. The park features a 2.4-mile paved perimeter trail and a well-developed network of natural surface trails, all with minor elevation gain.

The farm was originally owned by Gustave and Henry Kinder and their descendants, a family of German immigrants. Their farmhouse and other farm buildings have now been restored as a working farm with exhibits to illustrate how the farmers lived.

This is a multi-use park, much valued by the local residents and always a busy place.


Over 195 species have been reported at the eBird hotspot for Kinder Farm Park.

  • Winter: Winter Wren, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Fox Sparrow, White-throated Sparrow, Dark-eyed Junco.
  • Spring: Wood Duck, Red-eyed Vireo, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Cedar Waxwing, Magnolia Warbler, Blackpoll Warbler, Prairie Warbler, Black-throated Green Warbler, Chipping Sparrow, Field Sparrow, Blue Grosbeak, Indigo Bunting.
  • Summer: Cattle Egret, Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Barn Swallow.
  • Fall: Yellow-billed Cuckoo, American Kestrel, White-breasted Nuthatch, Brown Thrasher, Black-and-White Warbler, Common Yellowthroat, American Redstart, Yellow-breasted Chat.
  • Year-round: Red-shouldered Hawk, Sharp-shinned Hawk, Cooper’s Hawk, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Downy Woodpecker, Northern Flicker, Carolina Chickadee, Tufted Titmouse, Carolina Wren, Eastern Bluebird, Eastern Towhee.

Wheelchair Access:
The paved Perimeter Trail provides good access to the varied habitats in the park. See the park map at the link in the orange box in the “At a Glance” section of this webpage. The natural-surface foot-trails are not wheelchair-accessible.

Pet Policy:

Pets must be on a leash at all times; pick up after your pet and take the bagged waste with you when you leave.

Special Features:

  • Visitor amenities at the park include a visitor center with large meeting room; farm museum with restored farmhouse and exhibits; athletic fields; a playground; disc golf; pavilion; picnic areas with grills; horse trails; fishing; and a large community vegetable garden.
  • Kinder Farm Park also has a youth campground available to organized groups by prior arrangement.

Local MOS Chapter:

The local chapter of the Maryland Ornithological Society is the Anne Arundel Bird Club, which offers field trips and meetings with informative programs, all free and open to the public. The club’s YouTube channel features presentations on birds and birding recorded at their monthly meetings.


Ample paved parking lots throughout the park; see the park map at the link in the orange box in the “At a Glance” section of this webpage.


From I-97 south of the Baltimore Beltway: Take Exit 10 to go east on Benfield Boulevard. Follow Benfield Boulevard for 2.4 miles and then turn left (north) onto Jumpers Hole Road. The park is entrance is located on the left (west) side of Jumpers Hole Road in about 1.2 miles. Turn into the entrance road and follow signs to parking after paying at the entrance station.

From the Annapolis area or from the Eastern Shore via the Bay Bridge: Take US Route 50 to Exit 27 for MD Route 2 North. Go north on MD Route 2 for 7.3 miles, then turn left (west) onto West Earliegh Heights Road. After 0.8 miles, turn right (north) onto Jumpers Hole Road. The park will be on your left (west) side of Jumpers Hole Road in just 0.3 miles.

Nearby Sites:

Anne Arundel County: Davidsonville ParkDowns Memorial ParkFort Smallwood ParkGreenbury PointJug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary ◾ Lake Waterford ParkMandares Creek MOS SanctuaryOxbow Natural AreaPatuxent Research Refuge – North TractPiney Orchard Nature PreserveQuiet Waters ParkSandy Point State ParkSmithsonian Environmental Research CenterSwan Creek Wetlands | Cox Creek Dredged Material Containment Facility

Prince George’s County: Fran Uhler Natural Area, Patuxent Research Refuge – South Tract (National Wildlife Visitor Center)


Bottomland Deciduous ForestsConifersHedgerows FarmyardGarden or ArboretumLawn, Ballfields, Golf CourseSuburban Neighborhood Agricultural Crop Fields or Fallow FieldsHay Meadows, Pasture, Grass FieldOld Fields, Shrubby Meadows Freshwater Pond, Lake, or ReservoirRivers & Streams


Ball Fields or Other SportsBeginnersBicycle Trails (Bikes may be prohibited on some trails)Habitat Restoration ProjectHiking/Walking TrailsHistorical FeaturesHorseback RidingNative Plant Garden or Meadow/Pollinator PlantsParkingPets AllowedPicnic AreaPlaygroundRestroomsVisitor Center, Interpretive Displays, ExhibitsWater ViewWheelchair Accessible FeaturesYoung People / Families


Community and Urban ParksHistorical SitesNature Centers