At a Glance
Hours: Sunrise to sunset.
Cost: Free.
Tips: Bring a scope. ◾ Wye Island NRMA is an active hunting area. Be aware of hunting seasons and plan your visit accordingly. ◾ There are restrooms at several locations; see trail map at link at left.
Best Seasons: Winter for waterfowl, spring and fall for migrating songbirds.
Breeding Bird Atlas Blocks: Queenstown SE, Wye Mills SW, Saint Michaels NE
Wye Island Natural Resources Management Area
632 Wye Island Rd, Queenstown, MD 21658
(410) 827-7577
Wye Island Natural Resources Management Area (NRMA) is located in the tidal recesses of the Chesapeake Bay between the Wye River and the Wye East River. This site is best known for its winter waterfowl, but is also a good place to visit for migrating and wintering songbirds. The 2,800-acre property, used for growing wheat and tobacco back to colonial times, is laced with old farm lanes passing beneath arching trees. It has a quiet bucolic ambience. The topography of the island is relatively flat and access to the trails is very easy from the main road through the NRMA. Delmarva Fox Squirrels, an endangered species, occur here.
Many of the trails at Wye Island provide overlooks of the Bay or river waters, and are perfect for waterfowl viewing. Other trails go by wooded wetlands that can be good migrant traps in fall and spring.
- The School House Woods Nature Trail (blue on the trail map) takes you through a mature hardwood forest. The loop trail is 1.8 miles.
- The Ferry Point Trail (aka Ferry Landing Trail, red on the trail map) leads beneath a canopy of Osage Orange Trees. This is an out-and-back trail from the parking area, with a short loop at the peninsula end; 1.4 miles total. There are two short side-trails the provide water views at Ferry Point; these will increase the walking distance a little.
- The Osage Trail (orange on the trail map) that features old Osage Orange trees, which were often used to mark boundaries in bygone times. Loop trail; 0.9 miles.
- The Dividing Creek Trail (white on the trail map) parallels the shoreline of Dividing Creek. The trail is 2.8 miles long, one-way; it runs between the entrance road and Lodge Lane. If you have two cars, you could park one at each end.
- The Yellow Trail (so marked on the trail map) covers the eastern section of the NRMA has two separate legs. The section north of the entrance road winds through the woods for about a mile; you can make this a loop by walking back along the entrance road to the parking area. The section south of the entrance road follows a tree line along a field edge. The one-way distance along the field edge is 0.8 miles; you can make it a loop trail by returning along Lodge Lane to the parking area on the entrance road, for a round-trip distance of 1.2 miles. There are also two parking areas you can use near the south part of the trail.
- The aptly named Holly Tree Trail (green on the trail map) leads to a Holly Tree that is more than 290 years old, near the south end of the horseshoe-shaped trail. There are three large freshwater impoundments at the north end of the Holly Tree Trail; these impoundments are denoted by the label “Waterfowl Management Area“on the trail map, ticks onto a corner between the Holly Tree Trail and the entrance road. This is the single most productive habitat in the NRMA, and is worth a visit at any time of year. The one-way distance on the horse-shaped trail is 1.5 miles, with separate parking areas at each end. If you make it a loop trail by walking back to one parking area on the entrance road, the total distance will be 2.1 miles. The Holly Tree Trail crosses the Schoolhouse Woods Nature Trail, and you can take a short-cut back to your car by walking part of the Schoolhouse Woods Nature Trail instead of the whole length of the Holly Tree Trail.
At least 217 species have been reported on eBird from Wye Island NRMA as a whole, including 28 species of waterfowl. There are five eBird hotspots that cover Wye Island NRMA:
- Wye Island (this is the generic hotspot for the NRMA as a whole) – 212+ species
- Wye Island Bridge – 107+ species
- Wye Island NRMA–Ferry Point – 112+ species
- Wye Island NRMA–Impoundments – 170+ species
- Wye Island NRMA–Picnic Area at Granary Creek – 93+ species
A major emphasis at Wye Island is to provide suitable habitat for wintering waterfowl. In the winter, also look for Red-headed Woodpecker, American Kestrel, Swamp Sparrow, and Savannah Sparrow.
Horned Larks and Field Sparrows can be found in fields throughout much of the year.
Northern Bobwhite used to occur here, and with intensive habitat restoration in the area, may someday return. Wild Turkey do breed here. Other breeding species include Green Heron, Bald Eagle, and Osprey. Swallows, terns, and herons are easy to see in the warm months.
Wheelchair Access:
The smaller foot-trails are not wheelchair accessible, but there is fairly good birding along the entrance road and at the parking areas. Some of the larger “trails” are actually old farm lanes with a hard-packed sand and gravel surface; some of these lanes might be appropriate for some wheelchair, but be wary of soft or wet conditions after a rain or tidal flooding.
The picnic pavilion at Granary Creek is handicapped accessible, and the parking area there may provide a water view. Accessible portable restrooms are located throughout.
Pet Policy:
Pets must be on a leash at all times; pick up after your pet and take the bagged waste with you when you leave.
Special Designations:
Wye Island NRMA is a part of the Chesapeake Bay Gateways Network of the National Park Service.
Special Features:
- Kayaking and canoeing (bring your own) are excellent ways to explore the beautiful, ever-changing shoreline. A soft launch for canoes and kayaks is located at the head of Granary Creek, on the south side of Wye Island Road. Non-motorized vessels only. This launch site is relatively new and is not shown on the NRMA trail map, but see MD’s Water Access Guide.
- Shoreline fishing and crabbing are permitted.
- Wye Island NRMA hosts hunting dog field trials that are open to the pubic for viewing; obtain the schedule by emailing
- The DNR Conference Lodge (Duck House) is located at Wye Island. The lodge and grounds are available to rent for meetings, retreats, company picnics, family reunions, weddings and receptions. The lodge can accommodate 25 to 30 people per day for an indoor meeting or event. There are overnight accommodations for 12 people in a dormitory setting within the lodge and adjoining bunkhouse. Outdoors, groups of 50 to 200 people can be accommodated as well using the lodge and nearby pavilion. Reservations are accepted one year in advance of your stay and can be made by contacting the Wye Island Office at 410-827-7577 or via e-mail at
- Youth group camping is permitted at three primitive group campsites. There are Service charges for use of these areas for qualified groups. The overnight service charge is waived for youth groups that possess a valid Maryland Park Service youth group pass. Group camping is by reservation only. Reservations must be made 30 days in advance by contacting the Wye Island Office at 410-827-7577. All campers must be part of a recognized organization.
- There is no camping area for individuals or families; only organized groups.
Local MOS Chapter:
There is no local chapter of the Maryland Ornithological Society centered in Queen Anne’s County, so local birders may be members of chapters in adjoining counties: the Kent County Bird Club, the Caroline County Bird Club, or the Talbot Bird Club, all of which offer field trips and meetings with informative presentations, all free and open to the public.
A Voice for the Rivers is a special episode of Outdoors Maryland from Maryland Public Television that focuses on the work of the riverkeepers in safeguarding and working to improve the health of the major rivers of the Upper Eastern Shore: the Sassafras, the Wye, the Miles, the Chester, and the Choptank. There is beautiful footage of the open waters, marshlands, and shoreline forests, as well as discussion of the challenges of pollution and sea level rise.
Ample parking located throughout. See trail map at link at left. Parking is not allowed along road shoulders.
From the Western Shore via the Bay Bridge: From the bridge, travel east on US Route 50 and in 12.5 miles, turn right at the Wye Island NRMA sign to go south on Carmichael Road. Travel 5.1 miles on Carmichael Road, to the Wye Island Bridge. Cross the bridge and continue on to Wye Island and the NRMA. Once inside the NRMA, watch for a kiosk with visitor information. Parking is available at several locations along Wye Island Road in the NRMA.
From Easton or points south and east: Travel west on US Route 50 to Carmichael Road on the left (look for sign for Wye Island NRMA). You will come to Carmichael Road in approximately 3 miles after the MD Route 213 traffic light. Turn left to go south on Carmichael Road, driving for 5.1 miles, to the Wye Island Bridge. Continue across the bridge onto Wye Island and the NRMA. Once inside the NRMA, watch for a kiosk with visitor information. Parking is available at several marked locations along Wye Island Road in the NRMA.
Nearby Sites:
Queen Anne’s County: Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center – Horsehead ◾ Conquest Preserve ◾ Ferry Point Park ◾ Matapeake Clubhouse & Beach / Matapeake Fishing Pier & Boat Ramp ◾ Terrapin Nature Park ◾ Tuckahoe State Park (Queen Anne’s County)
Kent County: Buckingham Public Landing & Morgnec Road Public Landing ◾ Chesapeake Farms & St. Paul’s Millpond ◾ Chestertown: Wilmer Park, Wayne Gilchrest Trail, & Chestertown WWTP ◾ Eastern Neck National Wildlife Refuge ◾ Millington Wildlife Management Area ◾ Sassafras Natural Resources Management Area & Turner’s Creek Park
Caroline County: Adkins Arboretum ◾ Choptank Marina ◾ Daniel Crouse Memorial Park ◾ Idylwild Wildlife Management Area ◾ Martinak State Park ◾ Skeleton Creek Road & Bethlehem Road ◾ Tuckahoe State Park (Caroline County)
Talbot County: Bill Burton Fishing Pier State Park (Talbot County Side) ◾ Black Walnut Point Natural Resources Management Area ◾ Claiborne Landing ◾ Mill Creek MOS Sanctuary ◾ Pickering Creek Audubon Center ◾ Poplar Island
Bottomland Deciduous ForestsConifersHedgerowsUpland Deciduous Forests Lawn, Ballfields, Golf Course Agricultural Crop Fields or Fallow FieldsHay Meadows, Pasture, Grass FieldOld Fields, Shrubby Meadows Forested SwampMud Flats (Tidal or Non-Tidal)Open Ocean, Bay, or EstuaryRivers & StreamsSalt or Brackish Marsh
BeginnersBicycle Trails (Bikes may be prohibited on some trails)BoardwalkBoat or Canoe/Kayak LaunchFishingHiking/Walking TrailsHorseback RidingOvernight Lodging or CabinsParkingPets AllowedPicnic AreaRestroomsVisitor Center, Interpretive Displays, ExhibitsWater ViewWheelchair Accessible FeaturesYoung People / FamiliesType:
Chesapeake Bay Eastern ShoreChesapeake Bay Gateways NetworkHunting AreasThe Rivers of the Eastern Shore