About Us

This Birder’s Guide to Maryland & DC website was created by the Maryland Ornithological Society with the help of our partners. The Birder’s Guide is dedicated to the memory of Chandler and Eleanor Robbins, leaders within MOS for over 70 years (see full dedication).

Active birders throughout the state volunteered their time and expertise to create the site descriptions included on this website. Please see the full list of our content contributors.

Maryland Ornithological Society – for birds, birding and birders!

The Maryland Ornithological Society (MOS) is a nonprofit, statewide organization serving people interested in birds and nature in the state of Maryland. Founded to promote the study of birds, MOS and its 15 chapters offer field trips, informative publications, lectures, and an annual conference to its members and the general public. Our members participate in projects that contribute to the scientific study of birds, including seasonal bird counts. The Society also maintains a statewide system of sanctuaries to encourage the conservation of birds and bird habitat and to provide places for scientific research and nature study. The MOS Maryland/DC Records Committee certifies sightings of rare species and compiles the official bird lists for Maryland and DC. Each year, MOS awards scholarships to Maryland educators and grants for ornithological research in the state. We also support youth birding activities through several of our programs. And very importantly, MOS makes itself heard in Annapolis and Washington for the protection of wild birds and their habitats.

Learn more about MOS.

Join MOS or one of our chapters.