Patuxent Bird Club/PGAS
Contact Michel Cavigelli ( no later than Wednesday, April 5th to reserve your spot.
A rare opportunity to bird the highly productive Beltsville Agricultural Research Center (BARC), which is not open to the public. Club member Michel Cavigelli, a BARC employee, will lead the group on a tour of some of the most productive birding areas at BARC. The trip is timed for the start of early migration. Meet at 7 AM at the Log Lodge at BARC, located at 302 Log Lodge Rd, Beltsville, MD 20705. Log Lodge Rd is the first turn off from Powder Mill Road east of Research Rd. Note that if the gate from Powder Mill Rd to Log Lodge Rd is closed, you can get to the Log Lodge parking area from Beaver Dam Rd, which runs south of Powder Mill and parallel to it. You can use this Google Map to navigate to the Log Lodge parking lot: We will likely bird near the lodge for about a half-hour, then will move to different locations, based on where birds have been seen recently, so be sure to arrive on time. We will bird until 10 AM but you will be able to leave anytime sooner. Slots are limited and advance reservations are required.