May Count: Kent County

MD MD, United States

Host: Kent County Bird Club Contact: Walter Ellison & Nancy Martin, 410-778-9568, Description: An all-day effort to census as much of Kent County as possible. Join a field party or count in your neighborhood.

May Count: Caroline County

MD MD, United States

Go to our website or Facebook page for more information. Debby Bennett will also send out information.

May Count:

MD MD, United States

Contact Steve Sheffield,

Audrey Carroll Count

Audrey Carroll Audubon Sanctuary 13030 Old Annapolis Road, Mt. Airy, MD

Contact David Smith, 443-995-4108,

Fall Count: Dorchester County

MD MD, United States

Contact Harry Armistead (215-913-4785 or if you are interested in participating.

Fall Count: Howard County

MD MD, United States

Please go to the following link to sign up.

Fall Count: Dorchester/YMOS

MD MD, United States

Host: YMOS Contact: George Radcliffe,, 410-463-1669 Description: Fall Bird Count of a small island in Dorchester County

Fall Count: Prince Georges County

MD MD, United States

Annual county-wide census. Pick your favorite park or wildlife area or cover several. Backyard counts also welcome. Pre-registration required in order to confirm area assignment to avoid overlap. Rain or shine. Choose your own start and stop times, but counters are encouraged to spend as much time in the field as possible. Pre-dawn or post-dusk […]

Fall Count: Talbot County

MD MD, United States

Contact Ron Ketter (707-373-5532 or if you are interested in participating