May Count:

MD MD, United States

Contact Steve Sheffield,

Audrey Carroll Count

Audrey Carroll Audubon Sanctuary 13030 Old Annapolis Road, Mt. Airy, MD

Contact David Smith, 443-995-4108,

Fall Count: Dorchester County

MD MD, United States

Contact Harry Armistead (215-913-4785 or if you are interested in participating.

Fall Count: Howard County

MD MD, United States

Please go to the following link to sign up.

Fall Count: Dorchester/YMOS

MD MD, United States

Host: YMOS Contact: George Radcliffe,, 410-463-1669 Description: Fall Bird Count of a small island in Dorchester County

Fall Count: Prince Georges County

MD MD, United States

Annual county-wide census. Pick your favorite park or wildlife area or cover several. Backyard counts also welcome. Pre-registration required in order to confirm area assignment to avoid overlap. Rain or […]

Fall Count: Talbot County

MD MD, United States

Contact Ron Ketter (707-373-5532 or if you are interested in participating

Audrey Carroll Sanctuary Count

Audrey Carroll Audubon Sanctuary 13030 Old Annapolis Road, Mt. Airy, MD

Contact David Smith, 443-995-4108 or

Carroll County Mid-winter Bird Count

MD MD, United States

Host: Carroll County Bird Club Contact: Bill Ellis or 443-520-8809 Description: Parties of counters will set their own schedules in their pre-arranged areas to count resident and late migrant […]

Fred Archibald Sanctuary Count

Fred Archibald Sanctuary 6011 Boyers Mill Road, New Market, MD, United States

Contact David Smith, 443-995-4108 or