CBC: Bombay Hook

DE DE, United States

Compiler Andrew Ednie, ednieap@verizon.net

CBC: Salisbury

MD MD, United States

CHRISTMAS BIRD COUNT. Salisbury. Join this traditional holiday birding event by contacting the compiler, Mike Walsh at 410-422-0428 or mik.walsh@comcast.net .

CBC: Seneca

MD MD, United States

New participants contact Count Compiler Jim Nelson at kingfishers2@verizon.net

CBC: St. Michaels

MD MD, United States

Contact Wayne Bell (410-253-1663 or wbell2@washcoll.edu) for more information

CBC: Port Tobacco

MD MD, United States

Compiler: Mike Callahan, 240-765-5192 or raptorsrulemc@gmail.com

CBC: St. Michaels/YMOS

MD MD, United States

Contact: George Radcliffe, radclifg@gmail.com, 410-463-1669  

CBC: Crisfield

MD MD, United States

Compiler Paul Bystrak (shrike@comcast.net)

CBC: Ocean City

MD MD, United States

Compiler Mark Hoffman (443-223-4587, wcbirding@gmail.com)

CBC: Central Loudoun (VA/MD)

VA VA, United States

The count, while centered in Loudoun County, includes approximately 5 miles of the C&O Canal and adjacent lands in western Montgomery Co. Beginners and experienced birders welcome. Sign up at www.loudounwildlife.org or contact compilers, Joe Coleman: jcoleman@loudounwildlife.org or Bryan Henson at bhenson@loudounwildlife.org.

CBC: Rock Run

MD MD, United States

Check Harford Bird Club web site: harfordbirdclub.org

CBC: Loch Raven

MD MD, United States

Host: Baltimore Bird Club. Compiler: Libby Errickson, elizabeth.errickson@gmail.com. Description: Birders of all levels of expertise or experience are welcome and urged to participate in this annual post-migration bird census in […]

CBC: Rehoboth (DE)

DE DE, United States

Compiler Sally O’Byrne (salobyrne@gmail.com)

CBC: Fort Belvoir (VA/MD)

VA VA, United States

Compiler Kurt Gaskill (kurtcapt87@verizon.net). MD Coordinator Lynne Wheeler

CBC: Chesterville

MD MD, United States

Compiler Maren Gimpel (maren.gimpel@gmail.com)

CBC: Sugarloaf Mountain

MD MD, United States

New participants contact Count Compiler Janet Millenson at janet@twocrows.com

CBC: Bowie

MD MD, United States

Annual count in circle that covers Bowie, Greenbelt, Beltsville, Patuxent Research Refige, and other prime areas. Areas to be covered include walking routes through parks and driving routes through suburban […]

CBC: Inwood (WV)

WV WV, United States

Compiler: Bob Dean, bobdean52@gmail.com