Western Shore Migrant Search
MD MDHost: YMOS Contact: George Radcliffe (radclifg@gmail.com, 410-463-1669) Description: Migrant search of Western Shore areas: Susquehanna SP, Swan Harbor, North Point State Park.
Host: YMOS Contact: George Radcliffe (radclifg@gmail.com, 410-463-1669) Description: Migrant search of Western Shore areas: Susquehanna SP, Swan Harbor, North Point State Park.
Host: Baltimore Bird Club Leader: Sarah Luttrell, luttrell.sa@gmail.com. Description: Expect to see a wide variety of migrating songbirds at Soldiers Delight Natural Environment Area in Owings Mills. Meet at the […]
Host: Baltimore Bird Club Leader: Peter Lev, plev@comcast.net or 410-952-9426. Description: Meet at the main Vollmer Center parking lot for easy birding in Cylburn’s gardens and urban forest. Expect to […]
Host: Caroline Bird Club Contact Debby Bennett at dabennett1996@gmail.com to register and for directions. Description: Bird Band observation. Great for kids. Adults welcome too.
Host: Montgomery Bird Club LEADER: Gemma Radko at gradko@yahoo.com. Description: We will be looking for warblers and other migrants on the Wilson Mill Trail. Possible Kentucky Warbler. Limit: 8.