Host: Anne Arundel Bird Club Contact: Alan Young, 410-991-8300 or Leader Kevin Graff, 410-967-5896 (text only) or
Host: Howard County Bird Club Leader Lisa Colangelo, Description: The park now has very nice meadows which were used by the meadowlarks and grasshopper sparrows, in addition to plenty […]
Host: Baltimore Bird Club Leader: Mary Chetelat, 443-564-6551. Description: Continuing survey of bird activity at the Fort. Binoculars required. A telescope can be useful for distance viewing. Canceled in bad […]
Host: Patuxent Bird Club/PGAS Leader Terry Watson or Marc Manheimer Description: Meet at the parking lot at the corner of Ballew Avenue and Berwyn Road in Berwyn Heights.
Host: Montgomery Bird Club Leader Leo Dilling at Description: Tune up your ears as we listen for and learn to identify the songs and calls of migrant and local […]
Host: Howard County Bird Club Leader Mary Prowell, Description: The new mountain bike trail will head up into the forest with a nice overlook of the river at one […]
Host: Harford Bird Club Description: Join Master Bander, Dr. Mark Johnson as he and his team of volunteers capture birds in mist nets to collect data. His capture, mark, recapture […]
Host: Baltimore Bird Club Leader: Alex Pellegrini, Description: Discover the beauty of Jug Bay and its unique wild rice marshes! Join us aboard our Pontoon boat to explore areas […]
Host: Harford Bird Club Leaders Mark Johnson, Suzanne Procell and Susan Hood. Contact Mark with questions (; 443-528-0045). Description: Come out to find migrants (especially warblers) at this migratory hot spot. Past trips have found 14-21 warbler species! Meet at the mill at 7 am.
Host: Talbot Bird Club Leaders Bettye Maki (248-225-0724 or and Dave Burgevin (301-788-0916 or Description: Migrants, Cerulean Warbler. Depart Easton Acme parking lot at 6 am or meet at the Rock Run Mill parking area.
Host: Frederick Bird Club Leader Gary Ladner, 973-610-3749 or Description: Half-day trip for migrants and spring arrivals. Contact leader for meeting time and location.
Host: Montgomery Bird Club Leader Jim Nelson at Description: Once again, the B-CC Chapter is generously providing us access to this large private property south of Poolesville. Woods, hedgerows, […]
Host: Harford Bird Club Leaders John Canoles, Diane Jones and Elaine & Steve Scribne Contact Elaine Scribner-Wagner (517.622.1211 or for questions. Description: Visit a variety of habitats – shoreline and woods in search of shorebirds, osprey, eagles, waders, skimmers, warblers, marsh hawk, eagles, clapper rails, seaside sparrows marsh wrens, and horseshoe crabs. Interesting terrains, […]
Host: Montgomery Bird Mentors Mentors: Lauren Carey and Stephen Davies. Description: The walk will focus on woodland species. We will meet in the parking lot just off of Zion Rd. […]
Host: Talbot Bird Club Leader Bettye Maki (248-225-0724 or Description: Multi-day trip for spring migration. Block of rooms reserved. Deadline to register is April 15.
Host: Baltimore Bird Club Leader: John Landers, Description: Continuing series of weekly walks following the progress of spring migration in Lake Roland’s varied habitats. Meet at the Light Rail […]
Around the World Filming Birds by Marty Brazeau. Marty Brazeau, Education and Outreach Specialist, will educate us on atypical birds from countries such as Australia, Costa Rica and Ecuador using high definition videos shot by the speaker himself. We will examine their characteristics and behaviors as well as the effects of geography and plate tectonics […]
Host: Frederick Bird Club Leader Lynn Kieffer, 301-943-5290 or Description: Migrants and spring arrivals. Contact leader for meeting time and location.
THIS TRIP HAS BEEN CANCELED Host: Anne Arundel Bird Club Contact: Fred Shaffer at 443-926-6457 or Description: Milford Mill Trail Park is a small Baltimore County park found just […]
Host: Baltimore Bird Club Leader: Mark Linardi, or 443-834-8413. Description: Cromwell in early May is an excellent place to see/hear Baltimore and Orchard Orioles. 10+ Baltimore Orioles very possible. […]
Host: Harford Bird Club Description: Join Master Bander, Dr. Mark Johnson as he and his team of volunteers capture birds in mist nets to collect data. His capture, mark, recapture station has been in place for over 20 years. Walk the net lanes with the team and watch the whole process. Come when you wish, […]
Host: Allegany/Garrett Bird Club, Contact for questions or to register. Bill Blauvelt is the point person. Description: Meet at the parking area at the Campground near the end of Mill Run Road (off the Friendsville Addison Road) north of Friendsville.
Contact Park Ranger II Samantha Dixon to register at Bird walks will be held with Park Rangers providing instructions on completing a bird count.
Host: Harford Bird Club Leaders Mark Johnson (; 443-528-0045) and Susan Hood. Description: Meet at the Sweet Air area of Gunpowder State Park to bird for migrants. Targets include Scarlet Tanagers, Indigo Bunting, Yellow-breasted Chat, and Baltimore Orioles. Meet at the park entrance on Dalton-Bevard Rd.
Host: Baltimore Bird Club Leader: Joe Corcoran, Description: Join us for this Beginner’s Urban Birding Walk to nearby Mt. Vernon Place and the Washington Monument led by experts from […]
Host: Montgomery Bird Club Leader Scott Young at Dave Roberts will co-lead. Description: Join us as we explore this location for some spring early morning birding on the west […]
Host: Baltimore Bird Club Leader: Brent and Mary Byers, or 410-686-7294. Description: Easy half-day walk through varied habitats for feeder birds and other songbirds, raptors, and waterfowl. All are […]
Host: Baltimore Bird Club Leader: Matthew Black and Anand Pandian, Description: This large, currently abandoned area in Curtis Bay is relatively unexplored on eBird and is being evaluated by the […]
Host: Frederick Bird Club Leader Mike Spurrier, 240-446-0305 or Description: Migrants and spring arrivals. Contact leader for meeting time and location.
While only authorized board members have a vote, any club member is welcome to attend and participate in discussions. Contact any club officer or board member for details.
Host: Howard County Bird Club Description: Join fellow birders at the Chandler S. Robbins Skywatch at the Howard County Conservancy. You can show up and leave at any time. This is an unofficial Big Sit. We will look for flyovers and look and listen to surrounding birds. No need to sign up, just show up. […]
Host: Baltimore Bird Club Leader: Ron Davis, Description: Continuing series of weekly walks following the progress of spring migration in Lake Roland’s varied habitats. Meet at the Light Rail […]
Host: Patuxent Bird Club/PGAS Leader Terry Watson or Marc Manheimer Description: Meet at the parking lot at the corner of Ballew Avenue and Berwyn Road in Berwyn Heights.
Host: Frederick Bird Club Leader Lois Kauffman, 301-843-6690 or Description: Migrants and spring arrivals. Contact leader for starting time and location.
Host: MOS Sanctuary Committee Contact Jeremy Castle: for any questions or to sign-up. Description: Please join your fellow birders for a restart of the Carey Run volunteer work weekends. This year’s activities will include trail maintenance, structure maintenance, and house cleaning/upkeep, and, of course, BIRDING.
Host: Baltimore Bird Club Leader: Bud Poole, Description: Please join the Baltimore Bird Club in stopping by to participate in the “Patterson Park Big Sit”. This is an event […]
Host: Patuxent Bird Club/PGAS Leader Bill Sefton. Description: Meet at the parking area off Governor Bridge Road, south and east of the Route 301/Route 3/Route 50 interchange at 7:30 am.
Host: Tri-county Bird Club For more information contact trip leader, Mike Walsh at 410-422-0428 or Description: The Nanticoke WMA (also known as Nutters Neck) is a birding hot spot […]
Host: Frederick Bird Club Leader Lynn Kieffer, 301-943-5290 or Description: Migrants and spring arrivals. Contact leader for meeting time and location.
Host: Talbot Bird Club Leader Susan Henyon ( Description: Migrants, Cerulean Warblers. Depart Easton Acme parking lot at 6 am or meet at Millington HQ at 7 am.
Host: Howard County Bird Club Leader Lisa Colangelo, Description: Moderate walking along field edges and woodland trails. Opportunity for warblers, sparrows, thrushes, and flyovers. Facilities available. Use the parking lot to the left of the Gary Arthur Senior Center (2400 MD-97, Cooksville MD), not the Western Regional Park lots.
Brazil: the Pantanal to the Amazon Forest presented by club member and former president, Mike Walsh. Mike will share stories and photos of the beautiful birds and diverse habitats he experienced on his recent, fabulous trip to Brazil. Dinner at 6pm, followed by a raffle of bird related items and then the presentation. For more […]
Host: Baltimore Bird Club Leader: Matthew Black, Description: Continuing series of weekly walks following the progress of spring migration in Lake Roland’s varied habitats. Meet at the Light Rail […]
Host: Anne Arundel Bird Club Contact: Alan Young, 410-991-8300 or Leader Kevin Graff, 410-967-5896 (text only) or
Host: Baltimore Bird Club Leader Daisy Sudano, Description: Horseshoe Crabs and Shore Birds: we will meet at the Dupont Nature Center in DE at 10am to see the millions of shorebirds that rely on the spawning of thousands of horseshoe crabs. A phenomenon you must see! After visiting the Du Pont Nature Center, we […]
Host: Howard County Bird Club Leader Felicia Lovelett, Description: Starting in the scrubland, we will look for warblers, vireos, thrushes, and other edge species. Depending on conditions, we may continue into the woods. Moderate to possibly difficult walking: steep trails with several stream crossings, so wear appropriate footwear. We will also be able to […]
Host: Harford Bird Club Description: Join Master Bander, Dr. Mark Johnson as he and his team of volunteers capture birds in mist nets to collect data. His capture, mark, recapture station has been in place for over 20 years. Walk the net lanes with the team and watch the whole process. Come when you wish, […]
Host: Carroll County Bird Club For more details or to RSVP contact Matthew Hodgdon Description: Come and enjoy a pleasant walk while bird watching in the park. The park has a lot of open fields, four ponds and tree lines. We hope to see sparrows, swallows and Horned Larks. This is considered an easy […]
Host: Howard County Bird Club Leader Kurt Schwarz, Description: We will visit Delaware, along the shore of the Delaware River and Delaware Bay. The tentative itinerary is Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge, Dupont Nature Center, Slaughter Beach, and the Broadkill impoundment at Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge. This is subject to change in the […]
Host: Talbot Bird Club Leader Jeff Ettinger (410-443-5016 or Description: Shorebirds, Marsh Sparrows, many others. Depart Easton Acme parking lot at 6 am.
Host: Baltimore Bird Club Leader Kim Tomko, Description: This urban park in Northeast Baltimore is an oasis for many migrating and resident bird species. Easy walking on mostly flat, […]
Host: Harford Bird Club Leader, Dennis Kirkwood, ( or 410-692-5905) Description: Dennis will guide us to the aptly named Hidden Valley area with its sparkling stream running through a beautiful stand of the now rare mature hemlock. The trip will proceed from there to the Bradenbaugh Flats, stopping along the way at other sites with […]
Host: Baltimore Bird Club Leader: Laura Lechtzin, Description: Last in a series of weekly walks following the progress of spring migration in Lake Roland’s varied habitats. Meet at the […]
Host: Talbot Bird Club Description: We’ll select blocks in Talbot County that are lagging in the number of species coded and arrange a special trip. This is a great opportunity for all – we need both experience atlasers and it’s a great opportunity for those new to atlasing to get some good field experience
Host: Harford Bird Club Leaders Dave Webb (410-939-3537; and Joe Stevens (; 410-937-9827). Description: With over 5,600 acres of forests, fields and wetlands, Fair Hill NRMA offers spectacular scenery and some of the best birding in Cecil county. We will explore Fair Hill’s diverse habitats for a variety of breeding species including its crown […]
Host: Cecil Bird Club Leader Ken Drier ( Description: The Covered Bridge area of Fair Hill NRA is the place to be for spring warblers. In addition to the usual […]