At a Glance

Hours: Open daily, 8 am until  sunset. The front gate closes at 4 pm. If you are on the Stronghold property after sunset, you have overstayed your welcome. Car parked after sunset will be towed.

Cost: Free. Visitors are encouraged to become members of Stronghold, Inc. to contribute support.

Tips: Hike with caution: copperheads and timber rattlesnakes are present but rarely seen. ◾ The mountain is private property, shared with the public. Visitors must be aware of and obey all rules (see ◾ Obey vehicle speed limit of 15 mph. ◾No parking in the crossroads or “square,” or on roadsides. Park only in designated areas. Do not park on roadsides. ◾ Parking spaces are limited and may be full during the busy spring and fall seasons. Plan to arrive early; weekdays are less busy. ◾ Heed one-way traffic signs. There are  spikes that will damage tires of cars attempting to travel the wrong way up the mountain exit road. ◾ Security cameras are in operation at key locations. Photos will be captured of all vehicles that enter the property, including tag numbers. ◾The owners request visitors to report vandalism or other illegal activity by calling 911 for situations in progress, or to the Frederick County Sheriff’s Office (301-600-1046) and to Stronghold Incorporated (301-874-2024 or email to◾ Restrooms are located in parking areas; see Trail Map at link below for locations.

Best Seasons: Year-round, although summer can be hot and buggy.

Breeding Bird Atlas Blocks: Buckeystown SE, Buckeystown CE, Urbana SW

Local MOS Chapter: Frederick Bird Club

Sugarloaf Mountain

7901 Comus Road, Dickerson, MD 20842
(301) 874-2024

Note: As of October 10, 2023, Sugarloaf Mountain has made changes to its operations to improve security. These steps were taken because of an attempted break-in at the Strong Mansion in August 2023. The official website “Important Announcements” page states (bolding added by editor):

Visitors are not allowed to park in the crossroads or “square”. This keeps the intersection clear of inappropriately parked vehicles, eliminates late night loitering, and stops after hours entry onto the Stronghold property. This also provides a needed staging area for all EMS vehicles during emergencies.

Park hours are from 8 a.m. to sunset. The entrance gate closes at 4 pm. If you are on the Stronghold property after sunset, you have overstayed your welcome. Please park only in designated spaces, no roadside parking is allowed. Vehicles parked on the property after sunset will be towed at the owner’s expense.

Directional traffic control spikes located on the exit road from the park prevent vehicles from traveling the wrong way up the mountain exit road. This device is for the safety of our visitors and staff. Please pay special attention to all associated warning signs. Please do not tamper with the device or attempt to defeat it.

Security cameras are installed in key locations on the Stronghold property. Photos will be captured of all vehicles that enter the Stronghold property, including tag numbers. If you witness any type of vandalism or otherwise criminal behavior on the Stronghold property, please report it to the Frederick County Sheriff’s Office and Stronghold Incorporated.

Please enjoy the property respectfully. For updates see


Sugarloaf Mountain is located south of the city of Frederick near the C&O Canal and the Potomac River. Sugarloaf is well-known for its beautiful views of the surrounding countryside and for its extensive trail system through high-quality forest.

Geologically, Sugarloaf Mountain is known as a monadnock, a mountain that remains after the erosion of the surrounding land, and so rises alone above the landscape, not part of a mountain ridge. Sugarloaf has an elevation of 1,282 feet and is covered by mature forest, with many rock formations on its slopes and at its summit. The land surrounding the mountain is mostly agricultural fields, with some second-growth stands of forest.

Sugarloaf Mountain is privately owned by the non-profit Stronghold, Inc., founded in 1946 to protect and share Sugarloaf with the public. Hiking, birding, and other nature-oriented activities are welcomed here. There is a well-maintained trail system with good signage and also a vehicular road that loops through the mountain, making it possible to bird from the car, although roadside parking is not allowed. One can park and bird at the designated parking areas.


Over 150 species have been reported on eBird from Sugarloaf Mountain. A nearby hotspot for Sugarloaf Mountain Rd. lies outside the mountain preserve, on the approach road to the mountain, and shows a different set of birds, as it passes through an agricultural area, rather than forest..

In the warm months, Sugarloaf Mountain is a good site for Eastern Screech-Owl, Brown Thrasher, Veery, Red-eyed and Yellow-throated Vireo, Scarlet Tanager, and most woodpecker species. Common Ravens nest on the mountain. Breeding warblers include Ovenbird, Louisiana Waterthrush, American Redstart, Common Yellowthroat, Northern Parula ,and Worm-eating, Kentucky, and Black-and-white Warblers.

In spring and fall migration, Sugarloaf is good for many additional warblers, as well as such species as Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Swainson’s Thrush, and Hermit Thrush. Rarely, Whip-poor-wills can be heard in the springtime and early summer along Mount Ephraim Road on the west side of Sugarloaf Mountain.

Wheelchair Access:

The trails are natural surface and hilly, so are not wheelchair-accessible. But, given that there is a drive-able road that loops through Sugarloaf Mountain, this can be a great place for those who are mobility-impaired, since it is possible to bird from the car.

Pet Policy: 

Dogs are allowed and must be kept on leash at all times.

Special Features:

Stronghold trustees are involved in a program to restore the once-plentiful American chestnut tree to the mountain. ◾ The historic Strong Mansion at the foot of the mountain can be rented for weddings and other events.

Local MOS Chapter:

The local chapter of the Maryland Ornithological Society is the Frederick Bird Club, which hosts fields trips and meetings with informative presentations, all free and open to the public. The Audubon Society of Central Maryland also provides activities for birders in Frederick County; see their website for details.


The Audubon Society of Central Maryland’s YouTube channel features presentations on birds and birding recorded at their monthly meetings and on other occasions.


Designated parking areas are scattered along the road that winds across the mountain. Parking on roadsides is not allowed. Parking is no longer allowed at the crossroads or “square” by the entrance to the mountain.

Trailheads and restrooms are located at the parking areas. See Trail Map at link in the orange box in the At a Glance section of this webpage for parking and restroom locations.

Parking spaces are limited and may be full during the busy spring and fall seasons. Plan to arrive early; weekdays are less busy.


From I-270, take the Hyattstown exit; continue on MD Route 109 west to Comus; turn right onto Comus Road and continue to the Sugarloaf Mountain entrance at #7901.

Nearby Sites:

Frederick County: Audrey Carroll Audubon SanctuaryC&O Canal – Mouth of Monocacy to BrunswickCatoctin Mountain Park ◾ Cunningham Falls State Park ◾ Fred J. Archibald Audubon Sanctuary ◾ Gambrill State Park ◾ Lilypons Water GardensSeymour B. Cooper MOS Sanctuary


ConifersUpland Deciduous Forests Agricultural Crop Fields or Fallow FieldsOld Fields, Shrubby Meadows Rivers & Streams


BeginnersBicycle Trails (Bikes may be prohibited on some trails)Birding By CarFree - No Entry Fee at Any TimeHiking/Walking TrailsParkingPets AllowedPicnic AreaRestroomsYoung People / Families


Driving Tour (Roadside Birding)Private Sanctuaries and Preserves