Host: YMOS Contact: George Radcliffe,, 410-463-1669 Description: Migrant search of Western Shore areas: Susquehanna SP, Swan Harbor, North Point State Park.
Host: Baltimore Bird Club. Leader: Peter Lev, or 410-952-9426. Description: Continuing series of weekly walks following the progress of spring migration in Lake Roland’s varied habitats. Meet at the Light Rail Parking Lot (Boardwalk entrance to the park). Check with leader if weather is extreme (rain, wind). Participants must sign a Covid-19 waiver. Masks […]
Host: Baltimore Bird Club. Leader: Mary Chetelat, 410-665-0769 (alternate contact Wendy Alexander, 443-204-3754). Description: Continuing survey of bird activity at the Fort. Binoculars required. Telescope can be useful for distance viewing. Canceled in bad weather and walk will be rescheduled to May 11. General grounds include paved Seawall Trail. A National Aquarium online release form […]
Host: Patuxent Bird Club & PGAS. Description: Two-mile walk around lake on paved path; wheelchair-accessible. Families welcome. Meet at parking area at corner of Berwyn Rd. and Ballew Ave. in Berwyn Heights. No reservations needed. Leader varies. Leader may require mask for unvaccinated people. For more information, see PGAS Meetup site at
Host: Harford Bird Club Leader is Tim Houghton (410-510-7504; Description: Take a stroll through the park in search of spring migrants, especially the beautiful but, difficult to find and ID warblers. While warblers will be the focus of the trip, there should be plenty of other songbirds, as well as waterfowl and waders out […]
Host: Tri-county Bird Club. For more information, contact trip leader Mike Walsh at 410-422-0428 or Description: We’ll explore this lovely property preserved by the Hazel family by walking trails […]
Host: Frederick Bird Club Contact Lois Kauffman, 301-845-6690 or for meeting time and location. Description: Warblers and spring arrivals.
Host: Montgomery Bird Club For reservations (required) and more information, email leader Paul Woodward at grackling@ATT.NET. Description: Tune up your ears as we listen for and learn to identify the songs and calls of migrant and local breeding birds. The trip will be geared to new birders but all are welcome. We will start at […]
Host: Howard County Bird Club Leader – David Sandler, Description: Moderate walking along field edges and woodland trails. Opportunity for warblers, sparrows, thrushes, and flyovers. Facilities available. Meet at Carr’s Mill Road parking lot.
Host: Baltimore Bird Club. Leader: Ron Davis,, 410-821-1297. Description: Continuing series of weekly walks following the progress of spring migration in Lake Roland’s varied habitats. Meet at the Light Rail Parking Lot (Boardwalk entrance to the park). Check with leader if weather is extreme (rain, wind). Participants must sign a Covid-19 waiver. Masks and […]
Host: Baltimore Bird Club. Leader: John Landers,, 410-292-9549. Description: Cromwell Valley Park offers a varied habitat with many possibilities especially during Spring migration, and is one of the best all-round places to see birds in Baltimore County. We will be looking for warblers and other migrants, and search the open meadows for swallows, flycatchers, […]
POSTPONED TO MAY 11 Host: Baltimore Bird Club Leader: Mary Chetelat, 410- 665-0769 (alternate contact Wendy Alexander, 443- 204-3754). Description: Continuing survey of bird activity at the Fort. Binoculars required. A telescope can be useful for distance viewing. Canceled in bad weather and walk will be rescheduled to May 11. General grounds include the paved […]
Host: Montgomery Bird Club For reservations (required), contact the LEADER: Mark England at or 240-308-4114. Description: Half-day trip starting at the Blue Mash Nature Trail, where we will look for a variety of songbirds and other species. Then we will drive over to the adjacent Oaks Landfill to look for raptors, Blue Grosbeaks, and […]
THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELED Host: Allegany/Garrett Bird Club Contact Bill Blauvelt at Description: Bird Walk at Snaggy Rd in Garrett County.
Host: Harford Bird Club Contact leader Matthew Addicks ( for questions. Description: An underbirded spot, Eden Mill hosts a variety of habitats along Deer Creek. Expect to see warblers, breeders, and some of the raptors that breed in the surrounding area. This is a County Parks and Rec led program and will require free registration […]
Host: Montgomery Bird Club For reservations (required) and more information, email leader Scott Young at Dave Roberts will co-lead. Description: Join us as we explore this location for some spring early-morning birding on the west side of Route 28 ( We’ll bird the broad fields and separating woods, beginning at 7 a.m., hoping for […]
Host: Baltimore Bird Club. Leader: Joe Corcoran,, or 667-231-6453. Description: Trip to the river in Harford County for resident Cerulean and Prothonotary Warblers and a collection of spring migrants. […]
Host: Baltimore Bird Club. Leader: Mark Linardi, 443-834-8413 or Description: Continuing series of weekly walks following the progress of spring migration in Lake Roland’s varied habitats. Meet at the […]
Host: Patuxent Bird Club & PGAS. Description: Two-mile walk around lake on paved path; wheelchair-accessible. Families welcome. Meet at parking area at corner of Berwyn Rd. and Ballew Ave. in […]
Host: Harford Bird Club Contact information (410-692-5978; Description: Join experienced birder, Dr. Mark Johnson, as he strolls through the rolling hills of the Sweet Air area of the Gunpowder State Park in search of migrants and breeding birds. Baltimore Orioles, Indigo Buntings, Scarlet Tanagers and various warbler species are the target birds. Meet at […]
Host: Patuxent Bird Club & PGAS. Leader Bill Sefton ( Description: Two-mile loop at natural area on the Patuxent River; fields, wet woods, brushy areas, wetlands, ponds. Natural surface trails may be wet; waterproof footwear advised. Leaders may require mask for unvaccinated people. Reservations not needed. Meet at 7:30 AM at the Natural Area parking […]
Host: Baltimore Bird Club. Patterson Park Audubon Center. Description: Join Audubon and the Maryland Zoo to explore this leafy city park. From forest to lake, a variety of bird species await. For information, contact Patterson Park Audubon Center. Participants must adhere to our COVID code of conduct and register in advance at our website,
Host: Kent County Bird Club Contact: Walter Ellison & Nancy Martin, 410-778-9568, Description: The annual May gathering of northbound shorebirds including large numbers of Red Knots and Ruddy Turnstones in bright breeding dress, feeding on Horseshoe Crab eggs along the shores of Delaware Bay is a migration spectacle. We will visit the Bay shore […]
Host: Baltimore Bird Club Leader: Sam Tillman,, 443-844-5917. Description: Explore Days Cove from a canoe! There is nothing quite like the experience of birding by boat and truly slipping into the natural habitat. Days Cove is a unique location in Baltimore County as it is the confluence of the Big and Little Gunpowder Falls, […]
Host: Baltimore Bird Club. Leader: Devi Abbot, Description: Continuing series of weekly walks following the progress of spring migration in Lake Roland’s varied habitats. Meet at the Light Rail […]
Host: Carroll County Bird Club. For more details or to RSVP, contact Matthew Hodgdon at 301-703-0657 or Description: Come and enjoy a pleasant walk while bird watching in the park. The park has a lot of open fields, four ponds, and tree lines. We hope to see sparrows, swallows and Horned Larks. Please meet […]
THIS WALK IS POSTPONED TO MAY 28 Host: Baltimore Bird Club. Leader: Wendy Alexander, 443-204-3754. Description: Continuing survey of bird activity at the Fort. Binoculars required. Telescope can be useful […]
Host: Baltimore Bird Club. Patterson Park Audubon Center. Description: Join Audubon to explore this urban oasis in southeast Baltimore. With more than 200 species on record, the park is full […]
Host: Patuxent Bird Club & PGAS. Leaders Fred and Jane Fallon ( Description: Fred and Jane will take us to several areas along the Bay to see migrating shorebirds that mass to feed on Horseshoe Crab eggs. Be prepared for an all-day outing. Bring scope, lunch, snacks, water, insect repellent, and appropriate weather-related gear. We will meet […]
Host: Baltimore Bird Club. Leader: Kim Tomko. Description: This urban park in Northeast Baltimore is an oasis for many species of migrating and resident birds. Easy walking, on mostly flat, […]
Host: Harford Bird Club Leader is Dennis Kirkwood (410-692-5905 or Description: The trip will proceed along the aptly named Hidden Valley area with its sparkling stream running through a beautiful stand of the now rare mature hemlocks. From there the walk will proceed to the Bradenbaugh Flats, with stops along the way at any […]
Host: Patuxent Bird Club & PGAS. Description: Two-mile walk around lake on paved path; wheelchair-accessible. Families welcome. Meet at parking area at corner of Berwyn Rd. and Ballew Ave. in […]
Host: Frederick Bird Club. Contact Lois Kauffman, 301-845-6690 or for details. Description: Breeding warblers and other exciting birds
Host: Allegany/Garrett Bird Club Contact Bill Blauvelt at Description: Mud boods are recommended. Meet at the access road that starts at the Friendsville Park. Turn into the park then […]
Host: Harford Bird Club Description: We will sponsor a trip to Heartwood Nursery in Felton, PA (in the Stewarts Town area). The Heartwood specializes in native shrubs and trees. They […]
Host: Patuxent Bird Club & PGAS. Leader Bill Sefton ( Description: Two-mile out-and-back walk at natural area on the Patuxent River; fields, wet woods, brushy areas. Trail is gravel and […]
Host: Baltimore Bird Club Leader: Libby Errickson, Description: Join us for pop-up walks during the month of June at Oregon Ridge Park. Oregon Ridge Park has one of the […]